May 2, 2016 my first cat was killed by our neighbor’s dog. We found and buried him May 5, 2016. This year will mark 8 years since he was killed. I was 8 years old when he was killed. It’s hard knowing that I’ve lived half my life without him. Since I was so young I can’t really remember him. We had an assignment in English to describe in words what your own custom magnet would be, to hang the best day of your life, but if you had a hard time describing it, you could draw it. Boots completed my childhood, but I don’t remember very well exactly what he looks like, but I remember the love I felt anytime I played with him. We sadly don’t have any actual photos of him. So, I tried my best to remember what I could about him, and this is what I came out with.
I guess this is also a name reveal lol…