4 years ago
I would rather die than trace over someone’s hard work. I’m sorry for sounding aggressive, but this is a large blow to my heart and will probably hurt my reputation for a long time because people think I traced. I don’t trace. I didn’t trace. I tried something new. I used different methods. And FYI, Milo’s design was something I had been thinking of for a long time. I’m shy, okay? I have social anxiety and covering my eyes makes me feel secure, even if just in my art. I wear sweaters and hoodies. Everyone does. I have freckles. The hair came from my oc, Skye Jella Cipher. The oc I have been drawing for so long that my hands have muscle memory when it comes to her hair. It feels natural to draw it that way. If I had traced ANYTHING, I wouldn’t dared have posted it. I’m not stupid. Please leave me be about this and don’t comment on my posts telling me to stop tracing.
I just wanted to tell you that there might be someone who is tracing your art