Kris the Cafe Barista
Hi, this is Kris, he owns a small cafe in my town, the GardenWhiff.
They have a small edible garden where they grow their own herbs like rosemary, and Kris is the sexy boss.
Details about Kris:
Height: 181cm
Weight: 167.33pounds
Hair colour: Reddish pink
Skin colour: light orange peach
Likes: Tall blend coffee, kopi-o, teh-o, cheese, loves reading by the sunset, and sleeping when he can. loves hugging cats.
Type of girl: a confident girl who doesn't mind being herself, likes girls with glasses, who are straightforward and kind.
Dislikes: bananas. but if the banana were in milk/cheese, he would eat it.
He has red pink eyes
Looks good in long sleeved shirts.