I'm not dead yay :D (desc)
so lately my life has been busy and stuff cause I have school and I want to upload videos daily on my yt channel
But my computer is broken and for some reason it won't connect to the internet and it's stressful to keep up with that
plus my storage space but I'm gonna post a Halloween special on this acc and my yt acc so yeah I'm not dead
I've gone though a lot of style change too so it might be weird looking
pls don't add more work on me if I don't want to cause my ADHD and all my f ing schoolwork
ill be posting more on this acc so I'm (Kind of) back
Sorry I haven't been keeping up with everything pls notify me of things that have happened cause I just want to keep up with y'all
It's also harder to see things because a update that happened a long time ago for android on medi and it makes whenever I press on a artwork of profile
srry for the people who exept me to post a lot. im not as active as i used to be (obviously)
so I'm sorry guys •◇•