일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Manalodia의 일러스트

Elyot Gavrielle portrait ~ revamp

즐겨찾기 0


  • 인물화

  • redraw

  • nonhuman

  • gothicfantasy

  • Innocenza

  • ElyotGavrielle

  • Penumbra

  • nobleman

Though his father was in favor of a new order, Elyot fell in love with classical thinking. Though he did see flexibility in the Red Council, it opened the door for elitism. It was Engel Arcturus that swayed him to become loyalist, acting more as a bridge between the forming factions with the return of House Arcturus.

Elyot and Cachusa courted one another, though she had little interest first other than sparring with his views and Penumbran history. In the end, they wed and well before traditionally had, brought forth a child. His mother had been against the association with House Arcturus from the beginning given the social consequences, despite the political advantage it may gain in the future.

Despite Miriam's physiology at birth, it was discerned she inherited the Arcturus resilience and control of the abyss. At first believing in the curse , it would soon be revealed by his father a greater reason for this. The deep truths of Bal Hora shared with Elyot would mark his path.

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    신작순 Manalodia의 일러스트




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