插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 fae is trying to be more active的插畫

biopsy is over (desc.) thank you for support LEVEL 2

我的最愛 3
閱覽數 189


  • medibangpaint

So, I got my ultrasound-guided core biopsy on a 1.6 inch tumor in my left breast on Monday.
I'm currently in recovery- I should be back up and running on Thursday in terms of school.
Details about my biopsy experience, results, steps we'll be taking in the future:
(Please skip if you feel sick at the imagery of medical procedures.)
More ultrasound pictures were taken of the tumor before the procedure. The doctor started off with disinfecting the area with iodine and draping sterile towels around the area they won't need to see. Then they injected a local anesthetic to numb the area and once numb (which only took a couple of seconds), I got to watch on the ultrasound machine as they used a scalpel to make an incision and insert a core needle. They took 3 samples of the tumor; the sound of the needle taking samples was similar to a clattering stapler. The procedure itself only took a few minutes, and then pressure was added to stop the bleeding.
Results should be in on Wednesday. :]


    上傳時間 fae is trying to be more active的插畫



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