"I'll be okay. I promise, it'll all be alright."
turns out nothing was okay ever and he got exiled and she got executed😃✌💥
anyway hey check it out arlo's lil sister that I never told anyone existed ever and then just recently made a design for her on a whiteboardfox with keeps ache bhsdvghh
YEAH so she got executed shortly after his exile from the End. which is fun
since my headcanons/designs for endermen mean they just. spawn in rather than reproduce in the 🤨 way (ykwim), they didn't have parents or anything and they just basically adopted each other as siblings lmfvshd--
why is it all the characters in G&O are found family ??? literally everyone ???? lmaoo
love that trope tho so woo
OKAY I'VE RANTED ENOUGH I GOTTA GO TO BED CIAO [falls into a manhole and the cartoon 'yeehoohoohoi' sound effect plays]