Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Latest 1717’s art

[OG] Ruins

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Views 242

6 years ago

  • ruins

  • original

  • background

  • nature

  • 1717

  • enviroment

  • nonliving

And.... this is the last of my pieces that I haven't really uploaded for the past several months. (The other two I'm referring to as the magical challenge and the Operator Girls one)

I've wanted to practice doing backgrounds a lot, so I took it upon me to understand perspective more and to use the perspective tool more often! I think it worked out pretty well for my first try in about a year since my last detailed environment piece, though when I look at other experienced illustrators, I have a long way to go to get to the point that I would be able to draw them comfortably...

It's still wonderful progress even for my personal standards.

As always, (Please do not repost anywhere!)

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