Octopath Traveler (Nintendo Switch game)
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Product Name: Octopath Traveler (Nintendo Switch game)
I do not have a Nintendo Switch yet, but i dream of one day being able to settle down to finally play games on that device. With that hope, i have always loved making a bucket list of the games i want. I know that it is laughable...pitiful. But a guy can dream, right? Even if owning a Nintendo Switch feels like a faraway fantasy, i would gladly and greedily snatch up a Switch Game if given the slightest chance. I dream of owning Switch products THAT badly. Maybe one day i actually might get a Switch of my own. In case such a day ever comes, I would love to have a game as beautiful as Octopath Traveler in my possession. I hope that Art Street will consider helping me get one step closer to making my dull, pitiful life a bit sweeter.