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ATTITUDE: 13 - Post 1

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1 year ago

  • character

  • medibangpaint

  • blackandwhite

This is something I've thought up for a while now, lemme get y'all up to speed!

A13 is a comic I'll be working on in the near future. It's split into 2 main segments:

Black Umbrella Brigade: A group of 3 idiots going through the motions of high school life while carrying the reputation of failures.

BlackFish: A 22 year old with a fish for a head navigating life while the anxiety of his odd appearance lingers.

Overall A13's supposed to be a Slice-of-life comedy about odd people who would usually be looked down upon, and showing that no matter how strange, stupid, or different people are, they're all people at the end of the day.

I'll talk about it more, so tune in for more, yo!

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