일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 tiarasketch의 일러스트

For My Dream!Drawing Pen Display Graphics Monitor

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  • giftyouwant2021

  • giftyouwant2021:50000JPYGift

HI everyone! I'm Belle, and I'm in love with drawing. I've made so many digital artworks. I've been using a small drawing tablet without a screen and I really want this touch screen drawing tablet!It would really help me a lot! It has been my dream to own one of these because it would help me so much with the career I want in life which is to be an illustrator! I am currently illustrating my own comic with my boyfriend and this would help enormously! I would have more freedom with drawing and I know things will be smoother! It will also help a lot with my new little business! I take drawing commissions and this gift would help me so much! This is my passion and I would really love to pursue it and make my dreams as an artist come true! If I ever do get this gift, I would just draw right away! Just thinking about it makes me so happy! I will be forever grateful!

USA Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RK5VXKY/ref=cm_sw_r_oth_api_glt_fabc_8K90F9VR11PCVC8VR0FP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

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    신작순 tiarasketch의 일러스트


    ArtByBelle Artist


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