イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

新着 Ahmad Najmi Bin Rohizatのイラスト

The Social Distancing ( Reupload ) LEVEL 1

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ビュー数 111


  • マスクデザインコンテスト

( Reupload ) The mask design competition need to design a mask . Mask functioned to protect your mouth and nose from any virus enter by that way . But the mask wont function if you didnt mind about the social distance . The social distancing always keep forgetting by people that make the virus spreaded very fast . Inspiration that related to the social distance is a Crown Shyness . Crown Shyness happened when a few tree's leaves that didnt touch each other and form a boundaries or spaces between them . That gave them many benefits such as prevent an insect move from tree to tree . The black circle to represent human that spread everywhere . The irregular shapes means the space or distance between human . It turned into irregular because human spread everywhere , so the distance size became irregular . The straight lines border or boundaries between irregular shapes taken from crwon shyness phenomenon that mean the spaces or boundaries that cant be cross to avoid virus spreading .


    新着 Ahmad Najmi Bin Rohizatのイラスト

    Ahmad Najmi Bin Rohizat


