Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Latest TruePillowSenPAi’s art

not sure if the first one posted

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6 years ago

  • medibangpaint

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  • Vent

  • Opinion

  • Postingaftersolong

Anyhow , some people in the community have been using sending leaving threats and complaining that there art is bad as well being sad . I have no issue with vent art but please be wary that people who read your vent art can get affected too as well as people who are actually going through what your going through . Stop it with the leaving threats if your gonna leave just leave don't announce it to get some reassurance from your followers if the community is toxic then don't stay in it . If you feel your art is bad then improve on it don't whine about how terrible it is ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE FOLLOWERS . Start being more positive and end things on a positive note then you wouldn't be feeling so sad most of the time . (CHARACTER IS NOT MINE ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO MEDIBANG )

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