일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 h05tg의 일러스트

adopts :D (read desc if u want >.>)

즐겨찾기 14


  • MediBang

  • Adopts

  • Nta

  • Fcfs

Oki so I don’t really like giving ppl “special treatment” like reserves or custom adopts unless there’s a competition or whatever but I’m letting bellablue choose between 3 and 4, you can still comment and say what one you would like and if it’s not the one Bella chooses they’re yours ( first come first serve though!!)
1 and 2 are for anyone ( name to adopt though!) sorry if you don’t get one, I’ll most likely make another batch later, tomorrow or the next day unless art block or I’m busy. Line art isn’t mine btw! I wanna start a collab or something but one including adopts you’ve got from me, I think it may be a cool idea but eh. ALSO if you’ve had loads of adopts from me please use them and say how many you’ve adopted in ur comment on this post (so I can keep track, if u don’t want them anymore you can just tell me and idm if u put them up as an adopt as they’re yours as long as you’ve told me). Oof oki have a good day :D

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    신작순 h05tg의 일러스트




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