Attempt at a daily study 1
4 months ago
Ideas like “daily study”, “daily grind”, “efficiency”, “consistency “, “training”… I like them all very much. There’s just something that attracts me to those ideas, but thinking of ideas and seeing ideas are all that i’m at least semi-good at. It’s almost as if I’m incapable of actually using those ideas for something, but I am. I MUST be.
This is my attempt at a daily study, meaning that I’ll try to continue this daily and once I “pass the trial period”, I’ll remove the “attempt at” part.
I’m terrible at painting, but I like it… this is my “study” of Ishida sui’s painting. I think it’s a title page illustration of something and I really like the feeling it invokes. I didn’t manage to do it well, but I’m still glad I attempted to paint this.