일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 aluadesu의 일러스트

Prajnaparamita Statue in Cherry Blossom

즐겨찾기 0


  • MasterpieceFanart

  • 和風

  • 팬아트

  • Japanese

  • cherryblossom

  • Indonesia

  • ancient

  • masterpiece

  • prajnaparamita

Arca Prajnaparamita (Prajnaparamita Statue) from Ancient Java. This statue is estimated to date from the 13th century AD in the era of the Singhasari kingdom. This statue was first known to exist in 1818 or 1819 by D. Monnereau, a Dutch East Indies official. This Prajnaparamita statue is one of the best masterpieces of Indonesian Hindu-Buddhist classical art, especially ancient Javanese sculpture. Its literal meaning is "perfection in wisdom". The most famous and most beautiful statue of Prajnaparamita embodiment is now stored in the National Museum of Indonesia, Jakarta.

In this fanart, I try to combine Prajnaparamita Statue from Ancient Java with iconic Japanese Cherry Blossoms. I want to give a little bit of magical and wisdom taste in this fanart. I think I did pretty good in this artpiece, I hope you guys like it.
**I actually have never seen this statue because I live in a different city hehe, but I want to give a visit when I get a chance to go to Jakarta.

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    신작순 aluadesu의 일러스트




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