イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

新着 MissArtemisのイラスト

A Light To Guide You ~ Part Seven

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ビュー数 28


  • medibangpaint

Team Freedom and I quickly became great friends, even though they got into quite a bit of trouble because of me. Because I didn't have a Zoid, Deleters who ambushed them would usually not be a problem, but since I was the only one without a Zoid to protect me, the Deleters always took me hostage until Team Freedom figured a way out and came to my rescue. Apex was always kindest to me, and I always rode on Alpha Shadow with him. He almost never left my side, he and Alpha Shadow were like my bodyguards. Everything was finally looking good for me, except that every time I saw a Deleter, I was reminded of how Drake helped me escape. I was worried about what happened to him. One day, we were passing through a village when it was attacked. To my shock, I saw Drake atop Ruin, tearing apart the town. I got scared; I didn't know what to do. Would he attack me? Would he bring me back to the Empire? I ran away into the woods, leaving Team Freedom to drive him off. To be continued...


    新着 MissArtemisのイラスト


    Otaku god


