8 years ago
名称:Meda/咩达 :Name
性别:女 Female :Gender
身高:155cm :Height
年龄:17岁 :Age
身材:平(贫)板 Flat:Figure
Character: Vitality, efficient,loyal
参考: 公司logo似乎不止一个,于是我都用上了,不对称的设计表现绘画不一定要受教条约束,而是更应该自由创作。帽子是贝雷帽(Beret)头发白如纸。双手不受任何约束。
"Let me be your sword and shield"
Everyone has a battle of their own. Painters and artists have their own sword and shield(pen and cintiq).The relationship between a good software and the artist is higher than just a friend, but more like a knight. If you love drawing, Meda is the knight for you indeed.