"I hear you like balls—"
6 years ago
"—wait,, wait no"
—Ryan Bergara, 2k17 (yours truly has officially become bfu trash whoopee)
Ahh I have such dry humor..
..and a dry creativity hm
But hey! School is finally over, and you know what that means?!
summer work
Jkjk well I have to do some work but it ain't gonna break my neck thankfully
I feel like I'm going to take this sketch down eventually because it's literally nothing and it sucks
I did, however, take down some illustrations due to me feeling like they were crapola :)
So I'm guessing this is a crappy recompensation for those 4-5 I took down??
Oh well
Thanks for viewing! Happy summer! :D
edit: ok Idk if this is better but I like it /slightly/ more than the original