插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

时间顺序 @KakashiConn的插画


收藏 1
浏览数 150


  • ARTstreet_Design

This is my first year transitioning from fine art to digital art and Medi-bang has really been a wonderful program and outlet for me to get into. I just wanted to give back and follow my passion for art. This piece here is based around my wife whom really drives me to pursue my dreams an being an illustrator and maybe one day a full fledged artist for a major publisher! I hope the community enjoys it , as much as i have creating it. Art Street in my eyes is an animal with many faces as with the many people whom publish so many great pieces of art, the toned core of our community comes from the back bone of the people that support the industry of the culture we all enjoy( example; anime, comics, mange ect.)The armor and weapons stem from the laws we have created to protect are creators from plagiarism and just the negativity that comes with the way the world is. ( The Axe can change to a digital pen :3 ) Art_Street_Fox_Chan could be a strong face for " Art Street" !! Thank you <3


    时间顺序 @KakashiConn的插画


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