插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Mikasa的插畫

Landing or Opportunity

我的最愛 0
閱覽數 47


  • 2022年9月主題:勞動者

?Title: Landing or Opportunity
When the welcome lights of the city were over I got home. was smaller than expected, but it was deeply compatible with the small world of my childhood, and a tall mirror to capture moments with bright shadows. I hurried to the window and faded from watching the bright spots in the sky that
shone on me without hesitation
Part 2
Title: Wish Balloons
A wish balloon or a wish carried by a balloon. Where? Nobody knows, maybe the other part of me is pushing her or maybe the girl with her hands tied is helping her. I feel good at that moment, it was about 1:40 am when the little girl tied her hands so tightly that the thread of wish balloon was cut
.and she left
For a few minutes I was watching the blue and gray cries of a teenage girl when I saw a moving dead body, but when I stared I saw a young girl holding the shades of gray in her hand so much that she
... was injured for some bad reason. I did not have it so I went to her but


    上傳時間 Mikasa的插畫


    Snow Designer



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