일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 ♡Oli♡의 일러스트

Oli (My main OC)

즐겨찾기 4


  • 자캐

  • Bio

  • Oli

  • DaTW

  • DarkAndTwistedWhispe

Here's her backstory:
Oli lived with her Twin brother Olr and their sweet and gentle father. Her and her brother's mom died when they were little babies, So her father took care of them. They were owned by a rich family and they were loved by a Spoild bratty girl. Oli lived a fine life, they were fed, they were taken care of, and they were protected. All was good until their father was shot and killed by hunters and the spoild girl sadly had to let them go. They lived with a new owner who was clumsy and stupid. Oli and her brother Olr were only 6 at the time. At age 16, they went on a boat trip with their new owner. All was fun and games until the boat crashed and the twins fell into a hole. They found themselves in a new and mysterious place called: Oceanside. Oceanside is a world where humans and monsters live together, Its sometimes safe and sometimes dangerous. They met new friends and lived in the new place. They lived in a house in the Mushroom forest with their cat friend Izzy.

    다음 작품

    신작순 ♡Oli♡의 일러스트


    OliJoli15 Baby


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    오늘의 레벨업!