插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 °˖✧✿ RaRa ✿✧˖°的插畫

Mermaid Princess Caren

我的最愛 2
閱覽數 81


  • fanart

  • 插畫

  • 數碼

  • 美人魚

  • animegirl

  • magicalgirl

  • mermaidmelody

  • ibispaintx

  • mermay2023

  • purplemermaid

Purple is my fav colour second to pink. However, I have a lot of purple colour in my daily necessities instead of pink. This one also monochromatic outfit just like the other but its more pleasant to do colouring. Maybe because of the hue/shade or maybe because I'm bias. Anyways, I love this one so far. What's your fav colour? (´,,•ω•,,)♡
Her name is Caren or Karen? I used to think her name is Karen. But I'll write Caren instead because websites I found spell like that.
Do not use my artwork in any way possible.
Thank you very much!


    上傳時間 °˖✧✿ RaRa ✿✧˖°的插畫



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