Lvl 100
7 years ago
*Original Upload: January 2nd, 2017
My celebration piece for #Pokemon20 and me finally getting Pokemon Moon and being able to play it.
(I don't care if it's 2017. #Pokemon20 )
A Trainersona of myself and my three Pokemon that I've been able to raise to Lvl 100 over the years I've been playing.
My first starter pokemon Charmander evolved into Charizard from my first playthrough of Pokemon Leafgreen. (He was Lvl 96 by the first elite four run lol) (He also beat Misty at Lvl 36 X'D)
Serperior from my Pokemon Black run. He leveled up on some little end game island lol
Finally Talonflame from Pokemon X. He was so helpful when trying to grind Lvl 50s on the Route after Snowbelle but before the elite four. Helped level up so many pokemon with the Exp Share.
Then there's little Rowlet. Will he become my next 100? Who knows.