Honeypie in Wonderland pt. 9
2 years ago
Honeypie fainted, in shock of what she saw.
Hours later, she awoke her head heavy. She realized she was in someone's home. Looking around she realized it was Cherry Blossom Cookie's home. Suddenly, Cherry appeared with a cup of water in her hands.
CB: OH, you're awake! You fainted in the forest so I took you to my home.
HP: Thanks you... I'm sorry for that. I get scared easily.
CB: No worries! I'm Cherry Blossom but call me Sakura.
Bee suddenly gasped. Sakura, a familiar name, she thought.
HP: Um, I'm Honeypie...
Sakura was silent. Then she cracked a smile and laughed.
CB: Would you like to see my garden?
Honeypie nodded and off they went. In her garden there were flowers of all sorts, but Honeypie looked at one in particular.
HP: What is it?
CB: A Frostalia. Pretty, isn't it?
HP: Yeah.
CB: ...Hey, Honeypie?
HP: Hm?
CB: How long has it been?