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Latest Hope299GAMES’s art

Some of Nicolas's buds!

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2 years ago

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  • Hope299GAMES

If you look through my account you can find these guys!
Here's some dialogue to kinda give character idk:
Carter: Hey Nicky yeah love ya just stop being soo...Nicky right now. Eh don't worry asshat I already replaced ya dad in ya family pictures we're even. Hey hey, sport, K.B, calm down we'll talk to the school about this everything will be alright mmkay? If not I will get a job there purley to fuck em over.
Stella: Oh hey...I have that file you wanted. I appreciate the words but I'm not sure I can believe them. The stars are the most lovely thing I can picture! Dreams really are just other worlds we visit but rarely are able to return to...
Matthew: Oh no NO no CLEARLY everything has a system and as soon as that system gets messed uP MY ENTIRE DAY IS SCREWED. NICK YOU DID W H A T- Does death count as self care?
Eileen: This is easier than rewiring a Nintendo. Matt shhhh think about your screens life is ok. Personally I think this plan is more deadly than YAAI but alright.

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