插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 ArtbyChanni的插畫

What I really want for Christmas

我的最愛 0
閱覽數 198


  • 你最想要的禮物是?2020

  • 你最想要的禮物是?2020:5萬日元部門

  • 漫畫

  • 聖誕節

  • gift

When I was young, I was inspired by my cousin to play games because they're fun. When I go to my cousin’s house, I enjoyed the ps4 so much but after they transferred to another country, I can't borrow it anymore. I can’t get a ps4 because my parents don’t have the money for it and won’t agree to buy it for me. I couldn’t ask my relatives for a ps4 too because they think of it as unimportant and can damage my grades, even though I tried my best at school. It was a console that I truly wanted to get because I want to experience playing games and have fun. Playing videogames gave joy and light to my life up until today. If I get this, I would really cry tears of joy because I waited for it for 4 years in a row😭 Happy Holidays to the person who’s reading this btw, hope you had a great day🎁


    上傳時間 ArtbyChanni的插畫




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