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He's the Best Gift I Could Ask For LEVEL 1

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4 years ago

  • giftyouwant2020

  • giftyouwant2020:50000YenGift

  • Christmasgift

Online relationships are difficult, but his loving arms are so warm. After meeting online and dating for a few months, my boyfriend decided to fly across the US to move in with me. He got laid off due to the pandemic (making us both unemployed), and we decided that it'd be best to move in. He has taken care of me in every way imaginable, and I try my best to do the same for him. We've both been working hard on the development of his first game, but it seems the over-working has taken its toll on him. He is currently sick (hopefully it's not Covid), and I would love for him to experience new things without having to leave the safety of home. This is why I would love to provide him with a VR headset. Thank you so much for checking out my entry, and happy holidays!

We are from Maryland, USA.

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