일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 BLOODMOON의 일러스트

"E" / ENTIDY - 716

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"E" is one of my oc that ive made up from scatch i dont really know what gave me the idea of them but here we are "E" s old name (was and still is ) Entidy -716 i made there name up in the game the sun and moon rp 2D/ TSAMS RP 2D ( Located in Picture 2)she was first Introduced in the rp when it took over blood moons body (my blood moon au as in ブラッドムーン or just the one i mainley post about yknow him ?) Anyway ima talk about there powers cuz they have them
POWERS: Shapeshifting or Skin walker Basically , Possessing , Mind manipulation,floating , Regeneration / healing and
Poison touch ) age: 14,0000001 14 Billion years old Technical age 11 Backstory : "E" used to be a yong girl named eeve (not the pokemon) Eeve was with her friend ella they were playing outside ella said lets go play got bored so ella said lets play hide and seek eeve Agreed to the terms and wanted to hide while ella was counting eeve found a welm in the woods eeve was Skeptical) i cant type no more dang it

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    신작순 BLOODMOON의 일러스트




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