일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 ZaidaZay1의 일러스트

Cloe ~¡Mi obra maestra ~¡❤️

즐겨찾기 1


  • drawing

  • 일러스트

  • Chica

  • art

  • digital

  • fursona

  • kawaiigirl

  • magia

  • Chicanaturaleza

  • Siervoart

Heeey jaja Por fin pude a terminar este dibujo que llevo meses jaja sin terminarlo x,d por fin te termine mi hermoso Dibujo ella es Cloe es un siervo mitad conejo planta jaja 😅 y Cloe segnifica hierba verde o verde hierba espero que les guste ! Y me esforzaré mucho en por fin terminarla ya que la dejé d hacer por qué tenía otros dibujos que terminar jaja 😅 bueno nos vemos ! Translator: Heeey haha ​​I was finally able to finish this drawing that I haven't finished for months haha ​​x,d I finally finished my beautiful drawing she is Chloe is a servant half rabbit plant haha ​​😅 and Chloe means grass green or grass green I hope you like it! And I will try very hard to finally finish it since I let her do it because she had other drawings to finish haha ​​😅 well see you!

    다음 작품

    신작순 ZaidaZay1의 일러스트


    Digital Dibujante


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