插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 AngelLite Draws (lilikeet)的插畫

Country Tears(Little Story in the discripcion)

我的最愛 1
閱覽數 103


  • jumppaint

  • Story

  • Plays

  • lilikeet

  • AngelLite

The story begins from when she was 3years old. Her village was attackt and burn down to ashes, her mother and older sister died by that incedent. Only her father survived. He abused her untill she was 6years old, that was the time when she ran away from home. Thats when she met a young boy They traveld around searching for a peacfull place. On their journey they tell thei're backstorys to each other. Time passes by quickly and they fall in love for each other, the girl is now 19years old and the boy 20. One day they find an strainge looking temple. But it comes out to be a temple of an old spirit. The spirit gets mad and turns the boy into stone. In order for the girl to save the boy she has to sacrifice her self and become the guardian of the country side for ever, wich means she won't be able to see her love ever again. She agrees to it and becomes the guardian of the country side.
Drawn by lilikeet (YT: AngelLite Plays)
Story created by ilikeet (YT: AngelLite Plays)


    上傳時間 AngelLite Draws (lilikeet)的插畫


    AngelLite Draws (lilikeet)



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