Commission - David J-22-200dpi
5 years ago
Commissioned by the very generous and supportive David J
Thank you very very much for the very generous work offer, support and permission to post!! *thankyyouthankyyouthankyyou*(◕▽◕✿)
Featuring (from left to right):
- Victory Belles Wichita
- wearing Nautilus' signature costume :3
- Victory Belles Wicher (blue-hair)
- because she cute~ X3
- Victory Belles Boise (super-soaker~)
- the small angry one~ XD
- Victory Belles Canarias
- moving to another part of the beach~ XD XD
Old lady Tippy-Jar \(ᗒOᗕ)/ FEED ME~:
Am available for Commissions.
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