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A thing I had to do for art class LEVEL 1

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3 years ago

  • medibangpaint

  • random

  • surrealism

  • artclass

Y e s
It's this thing that my art teacher said is called "surrealism", irrational juxtaposition of images.
Yeah so there's some perspective stuff, random buildings, a cat getting abducted my an alien in a UFO, a giant cheeseburger, Hatsune Miku's head, a random cat girl with lasers, a tree on one of the buildings, a MrBeast billboard, and a very confused looking Aoi

  • CREATOR RANK CREATOR TheFanartFREAK 3 years ago

    > DorkWimpyKid
    My art teacher actually doesn't grade me, she just points out what she likes in the art, and points out things I could improve on, however one time we did take a little test on stuff we learned, and I got 100% :D

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