I didn’t forget! 🥰 @AprilMcC
K. So. These are AprilMcC’s adopts from, like, aaaaaages ago. 👵🏾 (It’s only been a week though) I have this magic potion that can turn stuff human, so I told her I’d use it. This, ah, potion takes longer than I expected to work. 😅 (ahaha) I will have to refine it so it works faster in the future. 😁
I had a lot of fun creating these. If anybody else has some character ideas (Or nameless blobs 😉) that you want transformed, I am at your service. 😌
For your viewing pleasure, please enjoy! 💖
They have also developed character traits!: (My interpretation)
1- friendly, team leader
2- bouncy, sweet, but scary when angry
3- well-dressed, cool, slightly geeky
4- wild, spacy, but dedicated
5- elegant, slightly catty
6- shy & self-conscious (bcuz of his scar), but loyal to those kind to him
7- kinda nutty, but confident
8- loner, quieter type, but very smart
Who’s your favorite? 🥰
Hey, it’s really no big deal, I appreciate any kind or helpful feedback on anything I’ve done. Thank you, Sofii! 😁