Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Latest Passion-Sock’s art

Adoptables / Closed.

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6 years ago

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  • Adoptables

EDIT: I decided that I'm keeping them. Sorry.
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Yee, I’m back! Sorry in advance for not posting. I got bored last night, so I decided to make these! These are DTA’s. As you may know, draw to adopts.

- Say which one you’ll draw.
- You have 3 days to draw them! (I’ll extend it if you need more time.)
- Please put effort into the drawing. Don’t sketch it and call it a day.
- Trust me, I’ll know when you put effort in it. ;”)
- NOT first come first serve. The best drawing (in my opinion) will get them.
- No bases nor’ tracing!

~ When you finish, comment the link to the drawing or just say you finished.

If there’s any questions, you may ask! This is pretty simple tho.
I’ll post the winners on my MySpace. I’ll probably post it on illustrations.

Just so I know you read the description, say the keyword: penis.
Have fun kiddos.

Lineart is NOT mine! Credit:

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