插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 DamianatorArt的插畫

Hamilton Phase 4 concept doodle

我的最愛 1
閱覽數 291


  • furry

  • 塗鴉

  • 寫生

  • 可愛

  • Concept

  • Hamilton

  • Rem0nz

  • DamianatorArt

  • DAartwork

For my gorillaz parody titled "rem0nz" I get to design the kinds of phase designs of my friend and I's characters. And I managed to nail down a concept of what Phase 4 Hamilton will look like. For some reason I really like the idea of him being a quirky college kid once he get's passed the kiddy "I love disneyland" phase, which is actually his character up until now. I am very happy with this.
I'm also trying to post more of my sketches so bare with me.

Hamilton is owned by @Jam0nz on Twitter.

Design concept is owned by me.

Created 10/11/17


DO NOT copy, trace, or redistribute any of my artwork. If you want to use it ANYWHERE (and with credit), let me know.


    上傳時間 DamianatorArt的插畫



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