插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 SilverCloud25的插畫


我的最愛 8
閱覽數 193


  • oc

  • AU

  • warriorcats

  • erinhunter

-I still believe that this is a very bad idea silverpaw
-aww c'mon flamepaw, don't be a scary mouse
-I'm not afraid rockpaw! but you know that mom and dad are going to be very angry if they find us outside the camp again
-oh let's go guys! this will be very fun! come, let's see if we find the lair of The whisper of the forest
-I'm joking flamepaw, but hey, let's hunt something for the clan, maybe they'll let us become the youngest apprentices of the clan!


Exploring scenes from the background story of my Warrior OC, silvercloud

When she and her half siblings were kittens, they used to get into many problems (such as escaping from motherhood to explore outside), which was a headache for the entire clan, especially for her father, the deputy, who used to find them wandering around after returning from hunt patrols (from left to right: silverpaw, rockpaw and flamepaw)


    上傳時間 SilverCloud25的插畫



    今天的LEVEL UP