插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 RioLucario的插畫

Light practice

我的最愛 0
閱覽數 78


  • drawing

  • 寫生

  • pencil

  • traditionalart

  • traditional

  • 練習

  • colorpencils

Hello, after the recent drawings I have made I realised something.... I still have a loooong way to go (I mean, I did knew I needed to learn more, just got a sense of reality and saw just how little I understood about drawing).
So, here I am, trying to understand how different lightings affects the skin.... it ended up horribly bad, the left one looks like a zombie, and the right one looks burnt, but that's ok, it is practice after all.
Well, we all know howthe saying goes: "Practice makes the master". Now to find this "Practice" guy so as to become a master :)... ok, just kidding. Anyways, instead of focusing in doing finished works I will do small ones to try and understand how to draw better, both for traditional (in which I feel I'm doing relatively fine) and digital (which I ought to learn how to use the layer effects, brushes, etc, properly).

And also, I think it's better to go back to the basics, gray scale.
Feedback and tips are accepted.
Anyways, have a nice weekend B+C=P


    上傳時間 RioLucario的插畫


    Student Designer



    今天的LEVEL UP