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What's a Smile?

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2 years ago

  • April2022,MonthlyContest:Smile

  • Japan

  • anime

  • smile

  • eyes

  • fairytale

  • England

  • CheshireCat

  • Aliceinwonderlang

  • Aprill2022

On my picture you can see pretty girl. She is Alice. She's from english fairy tale Alice in Wonderland. Alice has sly look and beautiful smile. Maybe, she knows about the end of her fairy tale. She knows that magic world in her dream is illusion and she won't died. Soon this nonsense will end, she will open eyes and wake up at home under the tree.
Than you can see Cheshire Cat that always mystery smile. He talk with Alica a lot of time and taught her his philosophy. He tell to girl that this world is her dream and illusion, but these world can see only children. Cheshire Cat is split into many parts. All cat's smiles are similar, but views are diffrent. First Cheshire Cat has kind eyes, second has hungry and angrt eyes. Third cat has puzzled eyes, forth Cheshire Cat has intriguing eyes. I want to sat that smile not always real, people can wide smile, but the eyes will always tell the truth. But what's a Smile? For me eyes sre mirror of the soul and smile is soul's kiss for other.

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