일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Kytzu의 일러스트

these are my cats but as humans.

즐겨찾기 11


  • medibangpaint

Yeah I have six cats at my house, so let me explain what they are about. So Aldo, he thinks that he is the toughest guy in the neighborhood. Always ready for a fight, and got hurt way to many times. Wedgie, she is like a rebellious woman, but she has times that she retreats, unlike Aldo (and the reason her name is wedgie is that when she was a kitten she was able to wedge through a crack behind my moms old workplace) then there’s sagi, she is not the largest, or strongest but she can be pretty fast, and when she is ok she is just a love bug, but hates smokey for some odd reason. Then there’s loco, he is always laying down, sleeping the day or night away, but is very nice when he is not sleeping. And last but certainly not the least calm kitten, and that’s Smokey, she is nuts, even more nuts than a regular kitten, she is just running around, and always causing trouble. So that is all I really like the designs, and I hope you guys like them too.

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    신작순 Kytzu의 일러스트




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