일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Fer Vara의 일러스트

Drina the Mad Druid

즐겨찾기 0


  • 2022年8月例コンテスト:オリキャラ

  • AI_그림_작품

  • 매직

  • 자캐

  • animegirl

  • Warriors

  • fighter

  • aventuras

  • isekai

  • batallas

  • comedian

After a mistake when Drina trigger on to the prince of the elf city Ragxian be unable to have children, the crazy Druid is sentenced to death, she manages to flee from her pursuers running into Kenjoru, the latter saves Drina by freeing from her shackles that sealed the druid magic. Together they plan revenge for the people of humans and elfs. -- Despues que por un error Drina dejo sin poder tener hijos al principe de la ciudad de los elfos Ragxian, Drina la Druida loca es sentenciada a muerte, esta logra huir de sus perseguidores topandose con Kenjoru, este ultimo la salva liberando de sus grilletes que sellaban su magia. Juntos planean la venganza para el pueblo de los humanos y los elfos.

    다음 작품

    신작순 Fer Vara의 일러스트


    Fer Vara


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