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Latest Little Zombiemations’s art

Helix The Reckless Adventurer

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7 years ago

  • medibangpaint

  • The

  • Adventurer

  • Reckless

  • Zombiemations

  • Helix

Helix was known for her adventurous behavior.
She would rebel against her family and run off into the dangerous woods with only her wand.
Helix, the future queen vanished on the night where she were to be crowned the next morning. All that was left behind was her trusted wand, laying on the floor covered in soot.
Some say she was killed by unforseen forces, or an accident happend when casting a dangerous spell, no one knows what truly happened to her. Her sister however, Solarite believes she faked her own death and disappeared into the night.
Soloarite never seen her sister again, in memory of Helix she made a tapestry in her name and hid it inside castle walls.
Soon everyone forgot who Helix was, they didn't remember if she even exsisted. Experts who still remember the young mistress speculate she may still be alive after all these years, but alive somewhere else, but where?

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