插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Bunny Blue的插畫

Velvette vs Céline Lavigne

我的最愛 1
閱覽數 40


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It never dawned on me that Céline could have a nemesis in the fashion industry, and who’d be better than the V Queen herself: Velvette! Much like how Alastor and Vox’s rivalry began, Velvette had offered Céline to come work for her once she had seen her skill for making good clothing designs but Céline declined since she’s had her fair share of working in a stressful company and not to mention she knew just how egotistical and inconsiderate Velvette was. Velvette was obviously pissed that her offer was rejected so she made it her life’s mission to make sure that her designs would never make it big by slandering her and her shop on social media. But Céline couldn’t care less, she’s actually content on owning her own shop with what little customers she gets to serve. Grosse Vache is (Fat Cow) in French if anyone asks;)


    上傳時間 Bunny Blue的插畫


    Bunny Blue



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