插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 ASaplingNamedWillow的插畫

happy pills (EYE STRAIN)

我的最愛 5
閱覽數 46


  • medibangpaint

boop de de boop. story lineee. meet azama the Water dood. he lost his gf. yes, he had a gf. don’t think the liquid species are heartless creature >:((((((. After The Restrictor gained Thrown he basically banished the whole Liquid Species. which made them hostile. during the process, Azama lost his gf. Due to one of his kind killing her, to show their not going to back down. Just like Slawin. They both took the same path and did drugs to wash out the feelings. But Azama took it too far and did more dangerous drugs. Feeling more woozy and causing murders n all. One even messed up time. Which made him go against Lady Interval to prove Guilty. and so escaped for being a water dood. more details soon on Azama qvq


    上傳時間 ASaplingNamedWillow的插畫



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