일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Abyssal Yoma의 일러스트

Environment Concept Art LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 4


  • sad

  • ダーク

  • drawing

  • art

  • 창작

  • manga

This is some very simple and early concept art for what I want some places to feel like in a project that is being formed. If you're familiar with Lain and Texhnolyze, the work of Yoshitoshi Abe, it's going to have a lot of architecture and environments that resemble his work, since I love the atmosphere it creates. Now, I'm nowhere near as good as the dude who's been doing it for 20 plus years, but hey, I'll at least try. As part of that, I've been thinking I might transfer my oneshot chars over to this new project to give them a permanent home in something that's fully my own and not having to worry about the legal gray area of fan manga. At the very least, I want to design some new looks for them, because it's going to be a shift in visual design, and I might as well use characters that I already have a face for, and have them be some test dummies. Anyway, thanks for looking, and feel free to leave any feedback!

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    신작순 Abyssal Yoma의 일러스트


    Abyssal Yoma


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