插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 JemonFucious08的插畫

Norman Polk and Wally Franks - Redesign

我的最愛 3
閱覽數 239



Well, I kinda failed at this xD
Some headcanons:
- Norman suffers from depression, causing him to be less interested in his work and becomes a loner. His mood changes a lot when he's depressed.
- Norman has trouble controlling his anger around people.
- Norman usually harms himself by lack of sleep, making cuts to his arms, and not eating anything.
- Norman wears clothes that are long sleeved and do not fit his style.
- Wally usually boasts about everything. Especially since he ever talk about it to others.
- Wally really hates when he sees someone who is depressed or he didn't know the signs of what's going on.
- Wally always blames himself for something he didn't do or he felt like he has to take the responsibility.


    上傳時間 JemonFucious08的插畫



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