Fantasy Wubb! (Li’l backstory)
My fantasy Wubb design changed with my persona, if you remember when I first posted fantasy Wubb ;u;
This is just a little story I’m working on, like a separate Wubb au,
I’m trying to figure out a bunch of stuff still-
Also, the floating cat ears are apart off Wubb, they’re just a thing people have that are kinda like- imaginary- but everyone can see them-
And if you get a rank thing, then the floating ear things become a physical part of you, and you become ✨f a m o u s ✨ -ish
Not famous, more like you get respected and get picked to do special things for the clan your in .u.
I haven’t decided whether it’s gonna take place on a different planet or not,
The other girl is a huge part of the storyline, do you guys wanna know more about the characters and storyline?