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Among Strangers ~ revamp

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11 months ago

  • illustration

  • original

  • oc

  • motheranddaughter

  • nonhuman

  • Innocenza

  • MiriamGavrielle

  • CachusaGavrielle

  • Huema

  • Penumbra

Having grown accustomed to the presence of Huema and their "interesting" range of smells, the pair had well integrated into this society. All it took was a change of complexion, a natural Huema hue of the eye, and faltering of the step. Though still pale, it was often complimentary to beauty; often some would stare longer than comfortable as if sensing a hint of the unnatural. Clear blue eyes fitting of the fair-haired, but there was a brilliant vibrancy possibly from the glamour that was startling when caught in the right light. The ordinary movements of Penumbra are wholly preternatural, as if specters, gliding and gesturing on another plane.

Huema had their intricacies all their own. Ins mall settlements, they tended to stay to themselves yet overly curious and suspicious, nay, superstitious. Largest of the cities had one elbow to elbow in the bazaars and impossible to sense until the pick-pocket from the haggler, the beggar's gaze from the seeking eye of agents to the church.

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