What I want for a Christmas gift is...
3 years ago
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This is what I want for Christmas, an iPad. I'm not really good in English, sorry. Anyway, why I want iPad for my Christmas gift? Being a single mom isn't that easy for my mother. Working day and night without a rest just to feed me and my siblings. She's been working so hard these days without a proper eat and rest. I feel guilty for making her like that. I want to take some of her burden by making art. I love drawing! It's my passion. I've been drawing traditional art since I'm 12 y/o. I'm also working hard to find money so I can give my mom. To help her. But it seem that's not that easy for someone like me. Recently, I was really into digital art. By having an iPad, it can help me to do my work easily. I wanna make animation and being an animator is one of my dream! I've never get a Christmas gift btw.
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