일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Mr.Sheogorath의 일러스트

Sheo LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 3


  • 게임

  • medibangpaint

  • 자캐

  • Fingerpaint

  • TES

  • 할로우나이트

  • theelderscrolls

  • sheogorath

  • mrsheo

  • Sheo

Anon: Hmm, the part of your nn is similar to the name of one hollow knight bosses/NPCs who is also a painter...

Me: I know him!!! :D There was post where I mentioned Sheo from Hollow Knight.
If you curious about my nickname: it was inspired by a character from The Elder Scrolls series - Sheogorath. And I loved associating myself with him as he is a God of Madness...heh. So I called myself Дядюшка Шео (Uncle Sheo), but in English "uncle" sounded very weird, so it became Mr.Sheogorath. On most accounts it's still Mr.Sheogorath, but I prefer mrsheo (I even thought about that people can pronounce it as they wish "Mr.Sheo" or "Mrs.Heo" hehe).
I struggled with a thought that this nickname is not original, that it's literally another character. I wanted to change it, I thought about calling myself "Howinter" (now it's the name for YouTube and Twitch channels). But I was afraid that people won't recognise me and will be confused...
All in all, now I'm mrsheo, Sheo, Sheo-tan or just Tanya.

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    신작순 Mr.Sheogorath의 일러스트




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